Collection: Stick and Leaf Insects


Stick and Leaf insects are collectively known as Phasmids, although they have many other common names such as stick bugs or walking sticks. 

Phasmids are found across Australia, from the steamy rainforests of Far North Queensland, to the inhospitable deserts of central Australia and down to the cold interior of Tasmania. With such a wide range of habitats it is little wonder we have such a diverse phasmid fauna, with over 120 species currently named and many more still yet to be described!

Not all phasmids are simple stick or leaf mimics either, with a near endless different survival strategies leading to all the weird and wonderful colours and body shapes seen in the above image. Nor are all phasmids the same relative size, some like the Gargantuan stick insect can reach over 40cm while other miniature species can struggle to get over 4cm. 

We are slowly trying to build up species profiles on each species we work with, by clicking on a species you will be able to find out more about that species and images of males/female/juveniles/eggs.